Renovatie Conservatorium

Renovating the Conservatoire: the next phase

The agency that will be in charge of the studies for the restoration of the Conservatoire has been announced. The assignment was given to the temporary union Origin-A2RC-FVWW. With this designation the renovation of the Royal Conservatoire Brussel takes a formal shape and the works should start in 2023.

Two main goals form the basis of the project: restoring and upgrading the building complex on one hand and answering the needs of the occupants of the building on the other hand. The Conservatoire is an architectural marvel in the center of Brussels. It's history and neoclassical buildings, dating from 1832, are a piece of art with international name and fame that are in desperate need of a renovation with respect for the original architecture. The location is an important cultural hub in Brussels and is a part of a musical platform of high renown with a local, national and international reputation. 

Renovatie Conservatorium

Fordable building and new library tower 

The renovation of the Conservatoire is bound to certain prescriptions concerning the protected status of the building. Nevertheless the agency has managed to add an extra layer to the main building. 

Central theme in the renovation is the fordable site with a green access lane from the front to the back of the building. 

The old library tower, with no architectural value is to be replaced by a new , partly underground tower. New instrument classes which will be instrument specific, will be build on the top floors of the tower.

Renovatie Conservatorium

Main concert hall

The main concert hall designed by Cluysenaar will also be restored to its former glory. Numerous efforts will be made to enhance the comfort of the spectators and musicians. The balconies will be accessible again, making for a bigger capacity of the concert hall. The original colors lila-pink and linden-green will also make a comeback. 

Renovatie Concertzaal Conservatorium

Extra concert halls

The design also promisses two extra concert halls: one smaller chamber music hall and one extra big hall for orchestral rehearsals. Thanks to the great acoustics, a symphonic orchestra will be able to rehearse in this hall. 

Kleine concertzaal renovatie

60 million

The coming years the agency will perform several historical and acoustical analyses in partnership with the various entities. The start of the renovation works is projected for 2023.

Then the NV Conservatorium, with representatives of the Federal government and the Flemish and French district, will take over. The renovation is estimated to cost 60 million. Each partner will contribute 1/3 of this amount. 

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