Our scores are waiting for your interpretation.
Music is the central theme in the library of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel. It contains mostly sheet music, but there is also literature on music, recordings and iconography. Our working is framed in the artistic-pedagogical mission of the Conservatory, but we are also relevant in the broader society as a publicly accessible lending library of sheet music.
The collection focuses on music performance, interpretation and artistic research, in the fields of classical music and jazz, performance practice and improvisation. Our main public are musicians, students and teachers, but also musicologists and scholars from related disciplines.
We conserve and manage an important, internationally oriented heritage collection with original and even unique source material. The focus of the collection is German and Italian music from the 18th century. Full attention is also given to local heritage with music by Flemish and Belgian composers from the 19th century on. The paper collection is complemented by an extensive electronic library.
Enjoy the largest music collection in Belgium.

The library is managed in collaboration with the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
and with the support of Belspo.