bachelor of master in de Kunsten


For whom?

  • You want to pursue your passion for singing and dream of a professional music career.
  • You want to further develop your artistic expertise with the help of internationally renowned professors.
  • You have the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the admission tests.

Your future

With your degree in Voice, you can become, f.e. a freelance singer, opera performer or play in a (chamber music) ensemble. You can also continue studying and become an artist-teacher or perhaps an artistic researcher? This study programme is the preparation for a brilliant future both on and off stage.

Chamber Music & Choir

Making music with others is important for your development and therefore compulsory during your studies. As a singer, you will study chamber music and choir to prepare you for likely collaborations that await you in professional life.

Seminar & Masterclasses

Renowned guest professors from Belgium and abroad are invited to pass on their knowledge to you. In recent years, we welcomed Sabrina Avantario and Ubaldo Fabbri. 


You will have the chance to study in a metropolis with both large concert halls as well as small jazz clubs, the ideal starting point for a professional music career. Your campuses are surrounded by beautiful cathedrals, trending coffee bars and green parks to unwind in.

The KCB focusses on the broad artistic formation of each individual. The lessons are based on direct interaction between teacher and student due to the small amount of students in each class. The great number of orchestral productions each year allows us to gain experience on the stage and learn the ins and outs of the greatest pieces is in music history. 
Joachim Jamaer
Student Music

Foto van Joachim

Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs

Erasmushogeschool Brussel streeft kwaliteitsvol onderwijs na en ontwikkelt haar opleidingen voortdurend om te voldoen aan (inter-)nationale kwaliteitskenmerken. EhB zet maximaal in op het ontwikkelen van een kwaliteitscultuur en hanteert haar eigen kwaliteitsregie als fundament voor kwaliteitsvol onderwijs.

Verschillende instrumenten garanderen het versterken en borgen van de onderwijskwaliteit van deze opleiding:

De website opleiding in cijfers van de Vlaamse overheid geeft informatie over het profiel van deze opleiding zoals wie deze opleiding volgt, hoelang studenten erover doen om hun diploma te behalen, etc.

Lees meer over de kwaliteitsborging binnen EhB.

After your study

Professional music career

With a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Music from the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, you can choose many professional directions. Who knows, you might end up:

  • in a (inter)nationally renowned ensemble
  • in a grand concert hall as soloist, part of a choir or opera performer
  • in the arts education field
  • in the social artistic field
  • at cultural institutions or governments as advisor or policy maker
French Opera KCB (f Tom De Beuckelaer)

Further studies

Abbreviated bachelor's degree

After your bachelor, you can move on to a master's degree and even an additional master's degree in another instrument, through a abbreviated bachelor's degree. Postgraduates are also among the possibilities.

Verkorte Educatieve Master Muziek (only in Dutch)

Merk je tijdens je studie dat lesgeven iets voor jou is? Aan het KCB kan je ook een Verkorte Educatieve master Muziek volgen. Zo kan je meteen aan de slag als kunstenaar-leraar.

Artistic researcher

Interested in a career as an artistic researcher? KCB organises various events around research and also offers you the opportunity to do a PhD in collaboration with the Brussels Arts Platform and the VUB (university).

Your subjects


Required subjects Ba1 (CR) BA2 (CR) BA3 (CR)
Voice I, II, III 18 21 27
Chamber music or vocal ensemble 1     6
Choir 1, 2 3 3  
Theory and ear training 1, 2 4 4  
Rhythm and intonation 1, 2 5 5  
Harmony and analysis 1, 2 9 9  
History of music 1, 2, 3 6 6 6
Applied Harmony 1, 2 , 3 6 6 6
Formal analysis     6
Encyclopedia and research 3    
Foreign languages 1, 2 3 3  
Body awareness 3    
Acting for singers 1, 2   3 3
History of culture     3
Optional subject      3
Total 60 60 60


Required subjects Ma1 (CR) Ma2 (CR)
Voice IV 27  
Master exam voice   30
Chamber music or vocal ensemble  2, 3 6 12
Formal analysis 2 6  
Introduction to philosophy 3  
Acting for singers 3, 4 3 3
Artistic Research Pratices 3  
Optional subject 12 15
Total 60 60

More information about your subjects.

Alumni in focus

Aphrodite Patoulidou

“Aphrodite Patoulidou is gifted with an expressive face and has a beautiful voice that can express a wide variety of emotions. She is greatly at home both in parlé chanté and at trips to the high register.” - Opern- & Konzertkritik Berlin 

More information about this soprano.

Tijl Faveyts

Tijl Faveyts

The Belgian bass Tijl Faveyts first attracted international attention when he sang Sarastro in DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE at the Aix-en-Provence Festival at the age of only 26. As a concert singer, he is regularly invited to sing at venues such as the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, the Musikverein and Konzerthaus Vienna, Philharmonie Cologne, the Concertgebouw Bruges and the Concertgebouw Amsterdam.

More information about Tijl.

Lore Binon

Within musical theatre, she collaborates on a variety of performances. Children of Nowhere; a performance of music Lod, BerBerio; awarded a YAMaward for Zonzo company Revelations & The Valley for music theatre Transparant, In my end is my beginning Imago Mundi and Loopstation ism Ontroerend Goed. Playing the role of Barbarina (Nozze di Figaro), she made her opera debut alongside the Freiburger Barockorchester conducted by René Jacobs, and in 2017 she took on the role of Pamina in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte at the Vlaamse Opera. 

More information about Lore.

Lore Binon

Your professors

In order to develop your talents to the fullest you need a teacher that is capable to help and motivate you in the right way. Our teaching staff is world renowned and have years and years of experience both as performers but also as pedagogues. 

Do you have any specific questions before you register for the admission tests? Would you like to meet your teacher before you take the big step? Below is a list of all teachers with contact information.

Valérie Guillorit

Valérie Guillorit

Teacher Voice, soprano

Parallel to her studies of Egyptology at the University of Montpellier (obtaining a Master's degree in 1989), Valerie Guillorit also obtained in the same year a First Prize of modern violin at CNR Montpellier. She then followed the teaching of Enrico Gatti in Baroque violin class in Toulouse for 2 years.

In 1991, she moved to the Netherlands where she received a First Lyrical Song Award (in 1997) in the class of Margreet Honig, and also followed the teaching of eminent professors such as Thomas Hampson, Elly Ameling, Carolyn Watkinson, Udo Reinemann and David Wilson Johnson.

Passionate about teaching and the special pedagogical approach of Margreet Honig, she became her assistant at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam from 2001 to 2004. She has been appointed singing teacher there from 2004 until 2017, from 2011 at the CNSMDP in Paris and from 2017 at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.

In 1997, after winning the prestigious Vriendenkrans Prize at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Jury Prize at the Lyric Art Competition in Clermont-Ferrand, she began an important solo career. She was regularly engaged under conductors such as Claus Peter Flor, Lev Markiz, Roy Goodman, Niklos Athinaeos, Jan Willem Vriend, Michel Tabachnik, and performed Benjamin Britten's Illuminations, Stravinsky's Puchinella, Villa Lobos's Bachianas Bresilieras nr. 5, Mozart's Requiem, Brahms's German Requiem, Franck's Seven Words of the Cross, Poulenc's Gloria, Handel's Messiah, Szymanovsky's Stabat Mater, Berlioz's Childhood of Christ, and J. S. Bach's Passions.

She performed at the opera in the Mozart roles of Susanna (Les Noces di Figaro) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, in the role of Bastienne (Bastien and Bastienne) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, in the role of Euridice (Orfeo and Euridice by Gluck) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, Delia (Fosca de Gomez) at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Zofia (Halka de Moniuszko) at the Tonhalle Zürich.
She was regularly involved in performing baroque repertoire and interpreted the roles of Drusilla (Incorronazione di Poppea of Monteverdi) at the Opera Academy Amsterdam), Belinda (Dido and Aeneas) Festival Vlissingen, Venus (King Arthur) of Purcell at the Theater of Amsterdam, Romilda (Xersès of Händel). She also played the title role in The Human Voice of Poulenc at the Theater of Apeldoorn.

She was a regular guest at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Tonhalle in Zürich, and festivals in Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France and Switzerland.

Her attachment to the repertoire of French Melody (Debussy, Poulenc, Caplet, Ravel, Barraine, Cras, Jolivet) and Spanish Songs (Granados, Obradors, Sor, De Falla, Lorca, Turina, Rodrigo) led her to give many Recitals in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy, accompanied by pianists Paolo Giacometti, Irene Russo, Arthur Schoonewoerd, Frans van Ruth, Hans Adolfsen and guitarists Frédéric Zigante and Katona Twins. She also performs in chamber music with the Arriaga String Quartet.
She is a member of the Dutch Verso and Insomnio Ensembles dedicated to contemporary music (Le Marteau sans Maitre by Boulez at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam).

In 2008 she recorded with the organist Christine Kamp the works of Vierne for the label Festivo and in 2012 with the Ensemble Insomnio Le Marteau sans Maitre by Boulez for the label Encora.

Since many years she is giving masterclasses in France (Nice Summer Music Academy), Spain (Riuoms), Belgium (Udo Reinemann International Masterclass), Canada (Conservatory of Montreal), in Finland (Jyväskylä), Austria (Lübeck Choir Academie), Switzerland (Ins) and Germany (Hochschule Leipzig).

Contact Valérie


Lena Lootens

Lena Lootens

Teacher Voice

A short bio will follow soon.

Contact Lena:


Yves Sotin

Yves Sotin

Teacher Voice, Baritone

After solid studies in organ (with Susan Landale and Odile Bailleux) and writing (Yvonne Desportes' class), Yves Sotin joined the CNSM in Paris to pursue studies in Music History (Yves Gérard's class), Analysis (Betsy Jolas' class) and Early Music (William Christie's class). In counterpoint to all this, he works on singing with Jeannine Collard (mezzo soprano of the Paris Opera), David Pollard (professor at Guildhall School), Richard Miller (professor at the University of Oberlin in the USA), Irène Joachim (French repertoire work including the role of Pelléas). Very quickly, and in parallel with his career as an organist and singer, Yves Sotin turned towards pedagogy (he holds the C.A. de Chant) and became passionate about the great vocal traditions (both those of the Baroque period and those that developed throughout the 19th century) and the vast repertoire related to them. At a very young age, he taught in renowned regional conservatories (Angers, Toulouse) and later at the CRR of St Maur des Fossés, as well as at the Maitrise de Notre Dame de Paris, and at the CRR of Paris, where he trained many singers, some of them very prominent.

In 2005, the Ministry of Culture entrusted him with the task of preparing singing teachers for the Board of Directors. In 2012, Yves Sotin was appointed singing teacher at the CNSM in Paris. He has led numerous singing masterclasses (Haute Ecole de GenèveNeuchâtel, Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, University of Angers, Lille, Poitiers, Salle de l'Institut d'Orléans, Centre Polyphonique de Bretagne...) During his entire career, Yves Sotin has been researching to increase pedagogy, in terms of phoniatry, speech and body disciplines and the history of the Bel Canto. He gives numerous conferences on topics such as vocal physiology, body postures and singing, the use of breath... He also gave a major lecture at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Genève on "Schubert's Song and German Romanticism".  In 2017, he gave a lecture at the Hector Berlioz Media Library of the CNSM in Paris on "Les Méthodes et Traités de Chant du Conservatoire de Paris au XIXe siècle". In 2018, he again took a course session in Geneva on "The art of castration and its extension into the Bel Canto of the 19th century."

Contact Yves:


Jan Vande Weghe

Jan Vande Weghe

Professor Voice Coaching

Jan Vande Weghe studied at the Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music, the Leuven Lemmensinstituut and the Hochschule der Künste Berlin with André De Groote, Daniel Blumenthal, Frans Van Beveren and Hans Leygraf. He also participated in master-classes by György Sebök, Peter Feuchtwanger and Irwin Gage. In his activities as a soloist and in chamber music, he has performed at international festivals in Belgium France, The Netherlands, Jerusalem, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. He has performed as a concerto soloist with the ‘Brussels Philharmonic’, ‘I Fiamminghi’, the KCB Symphonic Orchestra, the Brussels Sinfonietta conducted by M. Tabachnik, R.Zolmann, D.Angus and M.Tilkin and in October 2003, he opened the season of the Flemish Symphonic Orchestra with a tour along the major Belgian concert halls as the soloist in Beethoven’s 5th piano concerto (“Emperor”).

He is a greatly demanded partner as well as a lied accompanist as in chamber music. He has accompanied singers from all over the world and regularly accompanies master-classes with celebrities as Sarah Walker, Tom Krause, Sir Thomas Allen, Jard Van Nes, Udo Reinemann, Alexander Oliver and Ann Murray. In 2000, he was invited by the International Competition Queen Elisabeth of Belgium to be an official accompanist for the Singing Competition. Subsequently he has been giving several recitals with the 3rd Prize-winner, the soprano Olga Pasichnyk. He also forms a regular piano duo with pianist Peter Vanhove.

The Festival of Flanders conferred on him the ‘Festival Award’, he was selected as a graduate of the Belgian Vocation Foundation and he was also awarded the ‘Maurice Lefranc’ prize. Currently he is attached as a professor to the Brussels Royal Conservatory, coaching and accompanying the singing department. He was also involved in the research programme with a study on the relation between text and music in Brahms’ Lieder. He has made several recordings for the Belgian Radio and Television Broadcasting and appears on several CD recordings, both as a soloist and as an accompanist. In 2004 the Belgian Radio Broadcasting ‘Klara’ devoted an entire prime time program to this pianist, performing in a live recital alternated by interviews, recordings and guest speakers.  He is also regularly invited as a jury member for music competitions or master exams, as well as a panel member for radio or television (Chopin’s birthday, Queen Elisabeth Competition etc.).

In 2006 his solo CD with the programme “L’Avant-guerre 1911-1914” (FUG 701) was released and has been warmly acclaimed by the international press.

Contact Jan:


Projects in the spotlight

Choir concert

Teacher and conductor David De Geest always leads the choir concert enthusiastically. With the choir, you learn to sing together and to listen to each other. KCB prepares you for more than just a solo career, so that you become a musician with broad knowledge and skills.

French Opera | Opera project

Every year, the vocal students perform a spectacle coupé with a string of staged opera scenes. In 2023 they took a French repertoire by the hand from Verdi's Don Carlos, Bizet's Les pêcheurs de perles and Offenbach's an anthology from Fantasio, La belle Hélène and Les contes d'Hoffmann. 

French Opera 2023 (f Tom De Beuckelaer)

Your campus

Campus Regentschapsstraat & Kleine Zavel

Our campuses are located in the vibrant Sablon district right in the heart of Brussels. The Conservatoire's stately main building on the Regentschapsstraat with its magnificent Concert Hall is one of Brussel's landmarks. Around the corner is our campus on Kleine Zavel where you can attend classes and study in the best conditions. Moreover, you can use our premises to study during the week and at weekends.

How can I access the campuses?

Alex onthaal KZ
Regent renovatie KBC

Renovation of the main building

After years of negotiations, we are proud to announce that the plans for the renovation of our impressive main building on Regentschapsstraat have been approved. More info on this can be found here.

Go abroad

During your studies at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, you will come in contact with the world: after all, you study in Brussels, Europe's most cosmopolitan capital. KCB offers guest lectures by international professionals or by a professor from a foreign partner school, international projects,... we will train you to become a professional ready for tomorrow's increasingly international world.

Do you want to spend some time abroad yourself? You can! Studying for a semester (or academic year) at a partner university or doing an internship abroad, mais oui, of course! Find out more about internationalisation.

Buitenlands KVDS

Kom eens langs!

Info Moments

We organise several info moments during the second semester, such as (online) info days and open class moments.

More information regarding dates, registrations and exact schedule.


We welcome you to our many concerts, masterclasses and research days. Also come and listen to a caleidoscoop concert by our BA1 and BA2 students or our public exams. That way you can see what you would learn as a future KCB student. Every academic year, there are numerous productions in which our students perform. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed.

Info & tickets:

Kom eens langs, nieuwjaarsconcert Lambert Colson

Enrolment & Admission Tests

To start your studies at the Koninklijk Conservatorium, you must pass an artistic admission test. For information on the entrance exams - such as dates, the programmes to prepare, the enrolment conditions/fees and the module to enrol - click on the button below.



Any question?

For more information, please contact the student administration via e-mail or make an appointment.