New Skills 4 New Artists is a project born in 2019 and conceived with the aim of promoting the acquisition of digital, business, and technological skills by musicians starting their professional career. NS4NA addresses an identified gap in the training of musicians and artists in general. To date, the education and training of professional musicians has focused primarily on the set of musical and performance skills associated with the mastery of a musical instrument (artistic skills). This focus on the training of musicians has not changed in essence for decades.
The advent of the information society, where the concert and performance market has become global, has fundamentally altered the music industry. The success of a professional musician today depends not only on his or her artistic abilities but also on his or her technological and commercial skills. The NS4NA project undertakes this paradigm shift that musicians are facing and has the following objectives:
- To equip musicians with the necessary tools, as well as to connect them with the current opportunities and challenges.
- To design and test an interdisciplinary training programme
- To create and establish the basis for a sustainable lifelong learning training programme ready for transfer and integration into training institutions in Europe.
This Erasmus + project is funded by the European Union through SEPIE and is led by the Reina Sofía School of Music (Spain) in partnership with Munster Technological University (Ireland), Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Belgium) and Grupo DEX (Spain).
At New Skills 4 New Artists we are committed to inclusive education.
Education must be inclusive, among other things, in the sense of respect for and value of diversity "where it is manifested regardless of disability, race, skin colour, gender, language, linguistic culture, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, property, birth, age or any other status. All pupils should feel valued, respected, included, and listened to. Inclusion takes an individual approach to learners".
Guidelines & slide shows
After running a benchmark and two pilots, the New Skills 4 New Artists team has developed a series of guidelines that map the acquisition of skills and knowledge to better the professional prospects of musicians. These guides are licensed under Creative Commons, which means they are free to download and use. Along with these guides, a series of slide shows are also available for teachers.
Unit 1: Entrepreneurship
Unit 2: Technology
Unit 3: Digital Marketing, Communication and Social Media
Erasmus + project

This Erasmus + project is funded by the European Union through SEPIE and is led by Fundacion Albeniz (Escuela de Musica “Reina Sofia”), Madrid with project partners from:
- Munster Technological University (Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence) - Ireland
- Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EhB) (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel) - Brussels, Belgium
- Desarrollo de Estrategias Exteriores S.A. (International Cultural Cooperation and Development of CCIs) - Gijon, Spain