Valérie Guillorit

Valérie Guillorit
Teacher Voice, soprano

Parallel to her studies of Egyptology at the University of Montpellier (obtaining a Master's degree in 1989), Valerie Guillorit also obtained in the same year a First Prize of modern violin at CNR Montpellier. She then followed the teaching of Enrico Gatti in Baroque violin class in Toulouse for 2 years.

In 1991, she moved to the Netherlands where she received a First Lyrical Song Award (in 1997) in the class of Margreet Honig, and also followed the teaching of eminent professors such as Thomas Hampson, Elly Ameling, Carolyn Watkinson, Udo Reinemann and David Wilson Johnson.

Passionate about teaching and the special pedagogical approach of Margreet Honig, she became her assistant at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam from 2001 to 2004. She has been appointed singing teacher there from 2004 until 2017, from 2011 at the CNSMDP in Paris and from 2017 at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.

In 1997, after winning the prestigious Vriendenkrans Prize at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Jury Prize at the Lyric Art Competition in Clermont-Ferrand, she began an important solo career. She was regularly engaged under conductors such as Claus Peter Flor, Lev Markiz, Roy Goodman, Niklos Athinaeos, Jan Willem Vriend, Michel Tabachnik, and performed Benjamin Britten's Illuminations, Stravinsky's Puchinella, Villa Lobos's Bachianas Bresilieras nr. 5, Mozart's Requiem, Brahms's German Requiem, Franck's Seven Words of the Cross, Poulenc's Gloria, Handel's Messiah, Szymanovsky's Stabat Mater, Berlioz's Childhood of Christ, and J. S. Bach's Passions.

She performed at the opera in the Mozart roles of Susanna (Les Noces di Figaro) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, in the role of Bastienne (Bastien and Bastienne) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, in the role of Euridice (Orfeo and Euridice by Gluck) at the Opera Academy of Amsterdam, Delia (Fosca de Gomez) at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Zofia (Halka de Moniuszko) at the Tonhalle Zürich.
She was regularly involved in performing baroque repertoire and interpreted the roles of Drusilla (Incorronazione di Poppea of Monteverdi) at the Opera Academy Amsterdam), Belinda (Dido and Aeneas) Festival Vlissingen, Venus (King Arthur) of Purcell at the Theater of Amsterdam, Romilda (Xersès of Händel). She also played the title role in The Human Voice of Poulenc at the Theater of Apeldoorn.

She was a regular guest at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Tonhalle in Zürich, and festivals in Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France and Switzerland.

Her attachment to the repertoire of French Melody (Debussy, Poulenc, Caplet, Ravel, Barraine, Cras, Jolivet) and Spanish Songs (Granados, Obradors, Sor, De Falla, Lorca, Turina, Rodrigo) led her to give many Recitals in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy, accompanied by pianists Paolo Giacometti, Irene Russo, Arthur Schoonewoerd, Frans van Ruth, Hans Adolfsen and guitarists Frédéric Zigante and Katona Twins. She also performs in chamber music with the Arriaga String Quartet.
She is a member of the Dutch Verso and Insomnio Ensembles dedicated to contemporary music (Le Marteau sans Maitre by Boulez at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam).

In 2008 she recorded with the organist Christine Kamp the works of Vierne for the label Festivo and in 2012 with the Ensemble Insomnio Le Marteau sans Maitre by Boulez for the label Encora.

Since many years she is giving masterclasses in France (Nice Summer Music Academy), Spain (Riuoms), Belgium (Udo Reinemann International Masterclass), Canada (Conservatory of Montreal), in Finland (Jyväskylä), Austria (Lübeck Choir Academie), Switzerland (Ins) and Germany (Hochschule Leipzig).

Contact Valérie
