The creation of ‘Talisker’ by Flemish composer and ex-professor of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel Luc Brewaeys (1959-2015), in the gigantic hall of the Central Station of Antwerp, was a spectacular opening for ‘Antwerpen 93, Cultural Capital’. This festival of sound will be reperformed on the initiative of the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra.
Filip Rathé (klick here to view his biography)
Collaboration between
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
I Solisti
Clarinet choir & percussion ensemble Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen
Clarinet class Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
- Benjamin Dieltjens, clarinet
- Peter Merckx, double-bass clarinet
- Eliz Erkalp, horn
- Gaetan La Mela & Tom De Cock, percussion
You may find the biographies of the soloists (Nl) here.