The business of being an artists | Music Management

Muziekmanagement @KCB 2025
Kleine Zavel 5, 1000 Brussel
Gratis toegang

Music Management or how to boost your career as a musician

As the music industry becomes increasingly globalized and technologically oriented, performance skills alone are no longer sufficient to ensure a successful career. It is essential for musicians to also have a deep understanding of the business side of their profession in order to navigate the complexities of the music industry.

The optional subject Music Management is offered as a complement to the master's program Music Performance at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. This course, consisting of multiple sessions, provides insight into the fundamental principles and practices of the music industry while covering essential skills in management, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship.

Three prominent keynote speakers will share their hands-on experience from the field.

This program integrates theory and practice to help students prepare for their future careers, respond effectively to the industry’s evolving challenges, and embrace innovation within the global music landscape.

As a final group-based project, students will create a realistic musical project from scratch, allowing them to apply their acquired knowledge in a meaningful and collaborative manner.

The course is not exclusively for students who chose the Music Management option.
The various sessions can also be attended by other students.

26.02.2025 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER)

Start: 10:00 - 12:00 | Room: 140, Kleine Zavel

Principles of Music Business: Paul Dujardin, Former Director-General Bozar
⁃ Fundamentals of business management in the music industry.
⁃ Overview of global music industry dynamics.


Start: 10:00 - 11:30 | Room: 040, Kleine Zavel

Course Structure and Final Assignment explanation: Kristin Van den Buys
Final Project: 'Real-World' Simulation: Composition of groups until 30st March

The final project is designed to simulate real-world challenges faced by music professionals. Students will work in groups to develop a strong andcohesive project, presented as a formal paper and possibly a class presentation to be delivered until June 10, 2025


Start: 10:00 - 13:00 | Room: 140, Kleine Zavel

Live Entertainment and Event Management: Pieter Lembrechts

⁃ Planning, marketing, budgeting and logistics for tours and live events.
⁃ Orchestra management
⁃ Artist Booking, Program Selection


Start: 10:00 - 13:00 | Room: 140, Kleine Zavel

Legal Aspects and Contracts: Luc Gullinck

⁃ Copyright, intellectual property rights and negotiation of artist contracts.
⁃ Royalty collection Systems: An overview of how royalties are calculated and distributed.


Start: 14:00 - 17:00 | Room: 041, Kleine Zavel

Marketing and Communication: Maud Hallot

⁃ Designing and executing promotional campaigns
⁃ Drafting a social media strategy
⁃ Digital marketing (website, email marketing, Facebook-ads)
⁃ Metrics and analytics for measuring success

04.04.2025 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER)

Start: 10:00 - 12:00 | Room: Small Concert Hall, Kleine Zavel

Venue Management: Peter De Caluwe, Director-Intendant De Munt | La Monnaie
⁃ Managing music venue.
⁃ 'Season' planning.


Start: 09:00 - 12:00 | Room: 040, Kleine Zavel

Review /Consultation: 1st Session (Stefaan Guilliams)


Start: 10:00 - 13:00 | Room: 071, Kleine Zavel

Case Study: Behind the Scenes of 'See You After the Break' & 'A break During the works' concert series 
(Beatriz Lousan)
⁃ Step-by-step conceptualization of a music series.


Start: 10:00 - 13:00 | Room: 140, Kleine Zavel

Financial Planning: Jan De winne

⁃ Budget drafting (expected costs (Out's) and revenue streams (In's).
⁃ Securing: Sponsorships, Subventions, Partnerships.
⁃ Public Relations and strategic relationships with brands

14.05.2025 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER)

Start: 10:00 - 12:00 | Room: Small Concert Hall, Kleine Zavel

Global Perspectives: Joost Fonteyne, Intendant Klara Festival van Vlaanderen
⁃ Side by Side: the contemporary music scene & Navigating international markets and collaborations.


Start: 10:00 - 14:00 | Room: 140, Kleine Zavel

Review/Consultation: 2nd Session (Beatriz Lousan)


Evaluation Case studies
Exact time when each participant should be present will be communicated

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