Music and Technology
bachelor of master in de Kunsten

Music and Technology

Discover Music & Technology!

A new programme at the KCB since 2018-2019!

Welcome to the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel!

The course 'Music and Technology’ is essentially an instrumental course. Given the dissimilarities with the study of traditional instruments, the course of Music & Technology is divided in a technical and an artistic component. The technical component focusses on the physics of sound, digital studio, programming, HCI, modular synthesis, sound design, etcetera. As for the artistic side of things, our course is very much built on the triangle 'performance - composition (creation) - digital lutherie', as these agents are often inextricably linked when working in the realm of electronic and/or electro-acoustic music.

Apart from nurturing our students in all these separate aspects, we also focus on connecting (with) other forms of art, as this is often a key capacity of the electronics performer. Adjacent to the latter, our students also receive classes on multimedia (performance and creation), (electro-acoustic) ensemble performance and installation art. These subjects (which all exist under the common denominator called Music and Technology) are accompanied by a specific course of Music History and Aesthetics (focussing on electronic and electro-acoustic music). For more information on the full curriculum, go to the 'courses and credits' menu.

Being able to study in the Music & Technology class has left me with many positive experiences in both performing, as well as composing with electronics. The classroom is well-equipped with all necessary hardware and software for students to experiment and develop their musical projects. Furthermore, the team of professors supports the students with a broad spectrum of expertise and provide a connection to the professional circuit.

Nina Fukuoka
Student Music & Technology

Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs

Erasmushogeschool Brussel streeft kwaliteitsvol onderwijs na en ontwikkelt haar opleidingen voortdurend om te voldoen aan (inter-)nationale kwaliteitskenmerken. EhB zet maximaal in op het ontwikkelen van een kwaliteitscultuur en hanteert haar eigen kwaliteitsregie als fundament voor kwaliteitsvol onderwijs.

Verschillende instrumenten garanderen het versterken en borgen van de onderwijskwaliteit van deze opleiding:

De website opleiding in cijfers van de Vlaamse overheid geeft informatie over het profiel van deze opleiding zoals wie deze opleiding volgt, hoelang studenten erover doen om hun diploma te behalen, etc.

Lees meer over de kwaliteitsborging binnen EhB.


Opleidingsonderdeel Ba1 (SP) Ba2 (SP) Ba3 (SP) Verkorte (SP)
Computer Muziek 1, 2, 3 18 20 21 21
Creative Programming 1, 2, 3 9 9 9 9
Geluidsleer & Digitale vorming 1, 2 9 9 0 9
Modular Synthesis & Sound Design 0 0 9 9
Installatie Project 1, 2, 3 3 3 3 3
Electroakoestisch Multimedia Ensemble 1, 2, 3 3 3 3 3
Kamermuziek/Ensemble (klassiek) 1     6 6
Gehoortraining 1 (jazz) 6      
Gehoor & Theorie 1 (klassiek)   4    
Leestraining 1, 2 (jazz) 6 6    
Muziekgeschiedenis (klassiek) 1, 2   6 6  
Cultuurgeschiedenis     3  
Encyclopedie en Onderzoek 3      
Bewegingsleer 3      
Totaal  60 60 60 60


After completing your Bachelor's degree, you can choose from 3 specializations:



  • HYBRID PERFORMANCE (in possession of Ba3 instrument at least)

Ma1 (SP) Ma2 (SP)
Live Electronics 27  
Live Electronics (Masterproef)   30
Electroakoestisch Multimedia Ensemble 4, 5 3 3
Kamermuziek/Ensemble (klassiek/jazz) 2, 3 12 15
Vrije Improvisatie   6
Inleiding tot de Filosofie 3  
Artistieke onderzoekspraktijken 3  
Keuzevak 12 6
Totaal  60 60


Ma1 (SP) Ma2 (SP)
CM Compositie 27  
CM Compositie (Masterproef)   30
Electroakoestisch Multimedia Ensemble 4, 5 3 3
Hedendaagse Compositietechnieken 1, 2 6 6
Hedendaagse Muzieknotatie 3  
Vrije Improvisatie   6
Inleiding tot de Filosofie 3  
Artistieke onderzoekspraktijken 3  
Keuzevak 15 15
Totaal  60 60


(minstens in bezit van BA3 instrument)

Ma1 (SP) Ma2 (SP)
Hybrid Performance 27  
Hybrid Performance (Masterproef)   30
Electroakoestisch Multimedia Ensemble 4, 5 3 3
Kamermuziek/Ensemble (klassiek/jazz) 2, 3 12 15
Vrije Improvisatie   6
Inleiding tot de Filosofie 3  
Artistieke onderzoekspraktijken 3  
Keuzevak 12 6
Totaal  60 60

Music & Technology your Bachelor subjects

Computer Music

In the Computer Music course, you will learn to use the computer as an instrument, both as a performer and a composer. You will be introduced to leading music software and learn the tricks of the trade through artistic projects, inspired by listening and viewing sessions covering historical and recent electronic and electroacoustic music. The course also provides insight into the use of hardware, teaching you to use technology in a musical context. Throughout the Bachelor's programme, you will experiment as you go. During our class concerts, you have the opportunity to share your experiments with the audience.

Jouw Bachelorvakken Muziek & Technologie KCB
Jouw Bachelorvakken Muziek & Technologie KCB

Creative Programming

In the Creative Programming course, we delve into leading software packages in the electronic music sector, such as Max and Ableton Live. Throughout the Bachelor's programme, you will have programming assignments that gradually become more complex, combining different programming environments. The results of these assignments are related to the artistic projects you develop in the Computer Music course.

Sound Theory & Digital Education

This course provides you with basic knowledge in sound theory. Using examples with analog and digital sound generators, you will become familiar with terms such as frequency, amplitude, oscillator, etc. Additionally, the course delves into the operation of music technology materials. Through practical exercises, you will learn to handle microphones, audio interfaces, speakers, mixing consoles, etc. Other typical practices, such as recording, editing, and live mixing, are briefly explained and put into practice.

Jouw Bachelorvakken Muziek & Technologie KCB
Jouw Bachelorvakken Muziek & Technologie KCB

Modular Synthesis & Sound Design

Starting from the history of electronic musical instruments, particularly synthesizers, you are chronologically introduced to various techniques of sound synthesis. You learn to apply these techniques to (reissues of) authentic modular synthesizers and bridge the gap to contemporary devices and software. Additionally, new sound synthesis techniques made possible by powerful computers and DSP processors are covered.

Sound Installation

Through lectures with examples from sound art, visual art, and (interactive) media art, you are introduced to sound installations. You will be encouraged to experiment with mechanical, acoustic, and electronic techniques for sound production and learn various strategies for sound spatialization. Each year, you develop and present a project, either individually or in collaboration with fellow students. Throughout the curriculum, your installations will become more complex, and you will learn to actively involve the audience in your artwork.

Electro Acoustic Multimedia Ensemble

Creating and performing in a multimedia context requires a different approach. After several lectures on this medium, you collaborate with your fellow students to develop a multimedia ensemble project. Coaching will be provided, focusing on the technical and artistic needs of your project. During our Ensemble Concert, students collectively present their creations to the audience.

After your Bachelor, you can choose between 3 specialisations

Live Electronics

This specialization focuses on using electronics as the main instrument. You refine your skills as a creator but remain fundamentally a performer of your own work and/or (historical) repertoire.


Computer Music Composition

This option emphasizes music creation and sound installation with electronics as the foundation. Through surrounding courses, such as Contemporary Music Notation, you further develop as a composer.


Hybrid Performance

This specialization highlights a performance practice where the performer combines an acoustic instrument with electronics. This option is only accessible to students who already possess a BA3 instrument diploma (Instrument/Voice or Jazz).

Master Muziek & Technologie KCB

Please note
Our programme does not allow direct access to the Master's curricula, even if you already hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree in another discipline in music. A strong foundation in the Bachelor's subjects is necessary. However, it is possible to follow an accelerated Bachelor's programme, covering the compressed content of the Bachelor's curriculum, in preparation to a Master specialization. In any case, the possibility of progressing to the Master's programme is evaluated during our admissions test. If you believe you already have enough skills and background knowledge to start a Master's programme in Music & Technology but you are unsure, contact the programme coordinator:

Teaching Staff

In order to develop your talents to the fullest you need a teacher that is capable to help and motivate you in the right way. Our teaching staff is world renowned and have years and years of experience both as performers but also as pedagogues. 
Do you have any specific questions before you register for the admission tests? Would you like to meet your teacher before you take the big step? Below is a list of all teachers with contact information.

Benjamin Van Esser | Professor Music & Technology KCB

Benjamin Van Esser

Professor Music & Technology

Benjamin Van Esser is an electronics performer, software developer, pianist, composer and improviser, mainly active in contemporary and experimental music. He also works as a researcher and professor at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels (KCB). He is behind the 'Music & Technology' programme, as coordinator and co-founder (2018). He also teaches piano and composition at the Kunstacademie Zaventem.

Benjamin's artistic work manifests in various forms. As a composer, he has received commissions from organizations such as Transit Festival, Festival Voorwaarts Maart, Musica, and ensembles like Nadar Ensemble, I Solisti, ChampdAction, as well as various directors and choreographers. Driven by his hybrid performance practice, where piano and electronics converge, Benjamin has developed numerous music programmes and plugins, including Ultomaton, Control, bve.devices, and Upshot, a modular patch environment hosted in Cycling 74’s Max Package Manager.

Despite a wide range of idioms, there is a clear Leitmotif in Benjamin's work: metric ambiguity. In his compositions, improvisations, and software, he explores possibilities related to a 'trompe-oreilles' effect concerning the parameter of 'time.' His research on the performance practice of computer musicians incorporates this phenomenon and focuses on the execution of these processes and the communication models they establish between performer and audience.

Contact Benjamin:


Roel Das

Roel Das

Professor Music & Technology

After a brief career as an electronics engineer, Roel Das retrained as a musician. He currently works as a sound technician and electronic musician for renowned ensembles, overseeing sound direction, recordings, and electronics for performances and creations by various contemporary composers on both Belgian and international stages. Additionally, Roel is active as a composer, arranger, and copyist. He constructs electronic instruments, develops sound installations, and serves as a sound designer.

Contact Roel:


Igor C Silva | Professor Music & Technology KCB

Igor C Silva

Professor Music & Technology

Born in Porto, 1989, and currently living in Amsterdam, Igor C Silva is a composer devoted to electronics and new media music, creating projects where performers and computers make many noisy and psychedelic things happen on stage, creating a multi-sensorial experience. Silva works regularly with ensembles, performers and orchestras, receiving many commissions from ensembles and festivals, and publishing several recordings with his music.
Igor C Silva also works regularly with soloists, ensembles and jazz groups, devoting part of his musical and composing activity to improvisation and interactive performances with electronics and multimedia tools.

Contact Igor:


Admission Tests

To start your study at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel you will have to pass an artistic admission test. For information regarding the admission tests - like dates, the programme you need to prepare, the admission requirements and costs - you can click on the picture below.

Programme you need to prepare


Your portfolio includes various files (such as curriculum vitae, audio, video, scores, Max patches, Ableton Live sessions, etc.) that provide the jury with a clear picture of who you are as a musician and what you can do with the computer in a musical context. While beats and tracks in genres like house, techno, hip hop, etc., are interesting, we recommend to also run less commercial experiments as preparation. You can save the portfolio as a .zip file on a cloud service (Google Drive, OneDrive, ...), and share the link when you register for our admissions test.

Live performance

During a performance at KCB, you demonstrate your ability to use the computer (with or without a control interface) in a live context. KCB provides a mixing console, speakers, and necessary cables. You are responsible for bringing your own equipment, including a computer, microphone, audio interface, etc. If necessary, you can bring someone who plays an acoustic instrument to incorporate live sounds into your performance. The date of this live performance will be communicated when you register for our admissions test.


During an interview, we discuss the content of your portfolio and live performance. We also inquire about your background knowledge in (electronic) music and your motivation to study in the Music & Technology department at KCB. The interview takes place after the live performance.

Any question?

For more information on this programme you can contact the student administration via