Binder, Benjamin, Citation from the autograph letter by Pauline Viardot to Eduard Lassen, P-2-00020-(152) in an online publication.
Blanken, Chirstine & Wolfram Ensslin, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition Aufbruch. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2016. With reproductions of several documents of B-Bc.
Brauner, Patricia B., Il barbiere di Siviglia, Critical Commentary in Works of Gioachino Rossini. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2008. With reproductions from the Collection Michotte.
Brauner, Patricia B. & Philip Gossett, Petite messe solennelle, Critical Commentary in Works of Gioachino Rossini. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2009. With reproductions from the Collection Michotte.
Brown, Clive, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Performance Practice in the Violin Concerto op. 61 and Chamber Music for Strings. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2018.
Colas, Damien, Le Comte Ory, Critical Commentary in Works of Gioachino Rossini. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2014. With reproductions from the Collection Michotte.
Davies, Rhian, Gwyl Festival Gregynog 2014 [Concert programme]. Gregynog, 2014. With reproductions of several documents from B-Bc.
De Beenhouwer, Jozef & Frank Teirlinck [ed.], August De Boeck 1865-1937. Merchtem, 2011. Biography with reproductions of several iconographical documents from B-Bc.
De Oliveira Titan, Dina Maria, The Origins of Instrumental Diminution in Renaissance Venice : Ganassi's Fontegara. Doctoral dissertation, Utrecht, 2019, 298, 176 p.
De Troyer, Nicholas, Het orgel als hoeksteen in Mendelssohns Bachreceptie, in Orgelkunst, 173, jaargang 44, 2021, p. 52-66. With reproductions of BV-10-3200-55 and 13900.
D'Haeyer, Aurore & Anne-Cécile Huwart & Anne Gilbert, Malibran, een icoon van Elsene = Malibran, une icone à Ixelles. Elsene, 2008. With reproductions of several Malibrana from the special collection Wauwermans-De Francquen.
Dulaurans, Thierry, Physique-Chimie, Cycle 4 : 3e livret de l'éléve. Vanves, Hachette Education, 2017. With reproduction from B-Bc 7117.
Eeckeloo, Johan, De Rossini-collectie van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, bijdrage in Deelcollecties van Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken in De Boekenwereld, jaargang 34 nr. 3, 2018, p. 15.
Eicholz, Nina, Georg Philipp Telemanns Kantatenjahrgang auf Dichtungen von Gottfried Behmdt : ein Beitrag zur Phänomenologie von Telemanns geistlichen Kantatenwerk, (Studien und Materialen zur Musikwissenschaft, 85). Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2015. Met reproducties van diverse stukken uit de collectie Westphal.
Great Masters of Ukiyoe Art, vol. 24. Tokyo, Shogakukan Art Books, 2021. With reproduction of FEM-150.
Hofmann, Klaus, Unter falsche Flagge? Rätsel um eine Triosonate "del Sigr. Telemann", in Tibia, Magazin für Holzbläser, Heft 1, 2009. With a reproduction on the cover of B-Bc 7117.
Hooybergs, Joël, De genese van L'Art du facteur d'orgues opus magnum en testament van Dom François Bedos de Celles (1709-1779), in Orgelkunst, 2019, 164, 90 p.
Heckl, Peter, W. A. Mozarts Instrumentalkompositionen in Bearbeitung für Harmoniemusik vor 1840. Doctoraatsverhandeling, 2011. Met reproducties van B-Bc 11864.
Johnson, Calvert, Historical Organ Techniques and Repertoire. The Netherlands 1575-1700. Colfax, Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012. With reproductions from B-Bc 9940.
Klangfarben, [Programmbuch der] 25. Magdeburger Telemann Festtage. Magdeburg, 2020. Contains four reproduction of Telemann source material from B-Bc.
Mamy, Sylvie, Les grands castrats napolitains à Venise au XVIIIe siècle. Liège, Mardaga, 1994. With several music examples from B-Bc 2108, 2194, 2300, 5190 and 5498.
Pöche, Juliane, Thomas Selles Musik für Hamburg, Komponieren in einer frühneuzeitlichen Metropole, (Musica poetica, Musik der Frühen Neuzeit, 2). Bern, Peter Lang, 2019. Contains a reproduction of B-Bc 24101.
Reipsch, Ralph-Jürgen, Die Telemann zugeschriebene Kantate "Ertönt, ihr Hütten der Gerechten" TVWV 1:478 - eine Komposition von Georg Tegetmeyer, in Mitteilungsblatt der Internationale Telemann-Gesellschaft, 29, Magdeburg, 2015. With a reproduction of a part of the title page of B-Bc 949.
Salieri, sulle tracce di Mozart, catalogo della mostra in occasione della riapertura del Teatro alle Scala, il 7 dicembre 2004. Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2004. With a reproduction of B-Bc 19843.
Stinson, Russell, J. S. Bach at His Royal Instrument. Essays on his Organ Works. New York, Oxford University Press, 2012. With a reproduction of B-Bc 25448.
Subel, Joanna, Catalogue of the Works of Karol Lipinski. Wroclaw, Akademia Muzyczna Karol Lipinski, 2018.
Telemann und das Konzert, 23 Magdeburger Telemann Festtage 11-20 März 2016 [Concert programme]. Magdeburg, 2016. With a reproduction of B-Bc 958.
Timmer, Victor & Ton van Eck, 'Un bien excellent ami' : Charles-Marie Philbert, zijn relatie met Aristide Cavaillé-Coll en het orgel in het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Brussel, in Orgelkunst, 176, 2022, p. 6-18. Contains two reproductions of images of Cavaillé-Coll organs, ICO-III-059 & ICO-III-060.
Urquhart, Peter, Issues of Counterpoint in Gombert's Missa Tempore Paschali, in Journal of Musicology, 32 nr. 3, 2015, p. 410-439. With reference to B-Bc 27087.
Verwilghen, Michel, D'amours fous en querelles d'héritage : trois suprenantes affaires juridiciares au temps de Napoléon Ier. Brussels, Racine, 2011. Met reproducties van diverse stukken uit de collectie.
Voller Poesie: Telemann und die Literatur / Magdeburger Telemann Festtage, [Concert programme]. Magdeburg, 2018. With a reproduction of B-Bc 7115.
Zoppelli, Luca, Rossinileaks : ein Verzeichnis der Péchés de Vieillesse, 15. Juli 1866, in La Gazzetta, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Rossini Gesellschaft, 31, 2021, p. 18-52. With a complete reproduction of FEM-099.