Ruth Rondas

Ruth Rondas
Head of Programme & lecturer in general subjects of the Educational Courses (course is only in Dutch)

Ruth Rondas obtained a Licentiate in Pedagogical Sciences, option Educational Pedagogics and an aggregate at the University of Ghent. In 2012 Ruth obtained a PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, with as theme the one-on-one relation in Higher Instrument Education. The interest for instrument education grew because of her passion for everything that has to do with education in combination with playing music. Thus she played for five years in the Propere Fanfare van de Vieze Gasten, a social-artistic project in the heart of the Brugse Poort (Ghent).

Since 2014 Ruth has been working at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel where - in addition to her teaching assignment in the specific teacher training course - she conducted a two-year study on the use of Contemporary Music in Part-time Art Education (piano). In 2019-2020 she took up the challenge of becoming head of the Educational Training in the Arts, where she is shaping this training together with an enthusiastic team. 

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