New Year's Concert 2019

New Year's Concert 2019

New Year's Concert 2019, "Marche Fatale" & "Symphonie Fantastique"

New Year's Concert 2019

3, 2, 1,... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The Symphony Orchestra of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel

performed its New Year's Concert in the big concert hall on the 18th of January 2019.


Although the New Year's Concert is a yearly event, it remains a unique experience,
for the audience as well as the musicians.
Through this link you can browse through the photos taken during that unforgettable night, in the format of a web gallery!

(accessible until the 25th of February 2019)

There are countless people we would like to thank for making this evening possible,
but we pay a particular tribute to;
Etienne Siebens, conductor
Kathleen Coessens, director Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
Students of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Symphony Orchestra
Wout Paternoster, production manager
Reda Izo, photographer


Thank you so much for this beautiful start of the year!


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