Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation

Happy New Year

On Wednesday the 17th of January 2024, we had
our last New Year's concert in the beautiful Concert Hall of 
the Koninkijk Conservatorium Brussel, at Regentschapsstraat 30.

Fortunately, it is not a real farewell. 
The renovation works will take at least six years, after which KCB can again use the restored and even additional concert halls. 

More information on the renovation works can be found here.

Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

New Year's concert Erasmushogeschool Brussel

Despite the cold temperatures, it was a warm evening thanks to the performances by the KCB-EhB students, the speech by the general director, Dennis Cluydts, and all this gracefully tied together thanks to our host and Master Musical student, Ian Schelfaut. 
After the New Year's concert, we concluded the evening with a tasteful reception, where everyone could catch up in a convivial atmosphere and share their best wishes.

You can download the programme booklet here.


Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

We immediately dove into the world of
Toots Thielemans, with compositions such as 'For My Lady' and 'Waltz for Sonny'.
This instantly set the tone for a relaxed evening.

A heartfelt congratulations to our students of the Jazz section:

  • Kuan-Yu Chen (piano)
  • Yusheng Jiang (double bass)
  • Rob Swennen (drums)
  • Olivier Vander Bauwede (chromatic harmonica)
Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

Following, Dennis Cluydts,
general director EhB, gave a New Year's speech. This was heartwarming, encouraging and full of hope for the future. 
The conservatoire's renovation works were explained in vivid detail.

The common thread of his speech?
Together we strive for a better future, with the guiding values being: GROEI (GROWTH).

Geëngageerd (Committed)
Respectvol (Respectful)

Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

Then it was the turn of the Classical section of KCB, where dazzling violin and piano sounds enriched the Concert Hall.
Compositions by Eugène Ysaÿe,
Clara Schumann and Niccolò Paganini were performed.

Thanks to our students of the Classical Music section:

  • Sofia Manvati (violin)
  • Katsura Mizumoto (piano)

Be sure to keep an eye on Sofia Manvati, she is a candidate for the upcoming
Queen Elisabeth Competition.

Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

Our evening came to its end with the heavenly voices of our
Musical Department.

Thanks to professors Inge Minten and Florejan Verschueren for their guidance and support.

Pretty much the entire Musical Department was on stage to shine, with three students performing a solo number:

  • Nino Ameye
  • Douwe Debroux
  • Emma Malfliet

Many thanks to the entire Musical Department.

Many thanks to

Many thanks to the Music and Musical students/alumni of KCB, Stage Techniques students of RITCS (lighting and sound), host Ian Schelfaut, photographer David Legrève and the hard-working teams of KCB, RITCS School of Arts and EhB behind the scenes, who made this wonderful evening possible.

We don't know yet where our New Year Concert will take place next year, but that's not a concern.
Wherever the location, talent and enthusiasm will always thrive within our EhB community.

We wish you a fantastic New Year, good health and much GROEI (GROWTH) in 2024.

Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB
Last New Year's concert (2024) before conservatoire renovation KCB

Visual material on our social media channels


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