Maarten Quanten

Maarten Quanten
Professor (assistant) History of Music

Maarten Quanten (born 1982) completed his studies in musicology at the University of Leuven (KUL). In 2009, he earned his doctorate in musicology under the supervision of Professor Mark Delaere, with a dissertation on temporal strategies in the serial works of Stockhausen and Koenig. He subsequently worked as a researcher at the Brussels Musical Instrument Museum and as a lecturer in organology at KASK & Conservatory Ghent. Since 2014, he has been an assistant professor of music history at the Flemish conservatoire of Brussels (KCB) and is currently also active as a programmer for new music at the Music Center De Bijloke in Ghent. His publications have focused on topics such as the temporal dimension in serial and algorithmic music, electronic music, and the classification of musical instruments.

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