Jan Vromman

Cross-domain subject didactics: project | Shortened Educational Bachelor Musical (course only in Dutch)

Jan Vromman once hesitated between studying for a history degree and being a film director. In the meantime, it has mainly become the making of documentaries and not little concerns subjects that demand research, point of view, historical insight. Documentaries such as 'As long as there are shipbuilders singing' and 'The Art of Tree Cutting' or 'Le petit jeune homme de Binche' bear witness to this.

But the thinking remains multimedia and transversal. Curiosity also drove Jan Vromman to theatre, socio-artistic projects, installations and even fiction. Where audiovisual work often takes a character as a carrier for a film, he likes to opt for a social, broad fact. Involvement and emotion should not stand in the way of insight and analysis. The most recent documentary: 'The History of the Pig (in us)' is an illustration of this. Not a real journalistic work in the sense of biting into a topicality, but rather a meditation that situates the present in relation to the entire prehistory.

In addition, Jan Vromman is working on a research assignment in collaboration with the Brussels Art Platform & the VUB.

Contact Jan:
