VIETMUS is a two-years cooperation partnership project funded by the European Union and coordinated by Conservatorio Statale di Musica Alessandro Scarlatti in Palermo. The project aims to promote digital transformation and to create a new digital capacity in teaching and performing in the Vietnamese Higher Music Education (HME) landscape.
You can read more about the project VIETMUS here.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, HEIs and the music and art world needed to find a new way to operate, and music students themselves had to dramatically rethink their skills and performance models.
MUSense is to fill a gap, forging HE Music Institutions to embrace the digital shift and “stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices” in order to sustain and achieve new innovative performance practices and leverage the digital media potential.
You can read more about the project MUSense here.

In Media Stat Virtus
Digital technologies for teaching are an area of strong development of innovation in all sectors of higher education. In musical higher education, however, this process is held back by the difficulty of developing practical instrumental and vocal training, which is particularly complex in the case of multiple performers who play and/or sing together, as is the case in chamber music.
You can read more about the project In Media Stat Virtus here.
New Skills for New Artists (NS4NA)
New Skills 4 New Artists is a project born in 2019 and conceived with the aim of promoting the acquisition of digital, business, and technological skills by musicians starting their professional career. NS4NA addresses an identified gap in the training of musicians and artists in general.
You can read more about the project New Skills for New Artists (NS4NA) here.