Concertzaal KCB
bachelor of master in de Kunsten

Jazz Violin

Welcome to the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel!

With a Bachelor and Master of the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel you are set for an inspiring professional career! If you want to join an international orchestra or end up doing something entirely different with your degree, our programmes are the ideal preparation for a bright future.

Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs

Erasmushogeschool Brussel streeft kwaliteitsvol onderwijs na en ontwikkelt haar opleidingen voortdurend om te voldoen aan (inter-)nationale kwaliteitskenmerken. EhB zet maximaal in op het ontwikkelen van een kwaliteitscultuur en hanteert haar eigen kwaliteitsregie als fundament voor kwaliteitsvol onderwijs.

Verschillende instrumenten garanderen het versterken en borgen van de onderwijskwaliteit van deze opleiding:

De website opleiding in cijfers van de Vlaamse overheid geeft informatie over het profiel van deze opleiding zoals wie deze opleiding volgt, hoelang studenten erover doen om hun diploma te behalen, etc.

Lees meer over de kwaliteitsborging binnen EhB.

Your subjects


Required subjects Ba1 (CR) BA2 (CR) BA3 (CR)
Main instrument I, II, III 21 21 21
Ensemble 1, 2, 3 3 3 9
Ear training 1, 2, 3 6 6 3
Reading training 1, 2 6 6 /
Jazz harmony and analysis 1, 2, 3 9 9 12
Arranging 1, 2 / 3 6
Jazz rhythm 1, 2 3 3 /
History of music (classical) 6 / /
History of jazz 1, 2   3 3
Piano (piano technique for pianists) 1, 2, 3 3 3 3
History of culture 3 / /
Encyclopedia and research / 3 /
Optional subjects / / 3
Total  60 60 60
Required subjects Ma1 (CR) Ma2 (CR)
Main instrument IV 27 /
Master exam / 30
Ensemble 4, 5 12 15
Artistic research practices 3 /
Jazz analysis 6 /
Free improvisation / 6
Concert playing Jazz 1, 2 3 3
Introduction to philosophy 3 /
Optional subjects 6 6
Total  60 60

Teaching Staff

In order to develop your talents to the fullest you need a teacher that is capable to help and motivate you in the right way. Our teaching staff is world renowned and have years and years of experience both as performers but also as pedagogues.
Do you have any specific questions before you register for the admission tests? Would you like to meet your teacher before you take the big step? Below is a list of all teachers with contact information.

Concertzaal KCB
Alexandre Cavalière

Alexandre Cavalière

Teacher Jazz Violin

Alexandre Cavalière was born in 1985 near Mons in Belgium. He was born into a musical family, surrounded by musical instruments. Even at this early age Alexandre begins to develop his sense of rhythm, playing the snare drum in his father's orchestra. At 8 he has already began to master the piano, drums, and of course, the violin, but it is in this last instrument that Alexandre will best expresses his senses of rhythm, his qualities of improvisation, and his great musical sensitivity. Rocked by Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grappelli's melodies, musical swing is obvious for Alexandre.

In March 1998, fate helps Alexandre along, placing Didier Lockwood and Babik Reinhardt in his path: " These two great musicians are in Brussels for Django d'Or celebration while he is rehearsing for an evening at the Royal Hotel Windsor with his father, who directs the band Jazzy Strings. A few notes are sufficient for Didier Lockwood, Babik Reinhardt and Frank Hagège to detect the talent in the hands of the violinist. What a surprise they have, when, pushing the door of the club open, they discover a 12-year-old child holding the violin.! " Astonished at the amount of virtuosity in one so young, they decide to invite Alexandre to Django d' Or, Brussels, and then Paris, where success is immediate … It is the beginning of a beautiful adventure from which "L'ALBUM " is born (Hébra records).

This young violin virtuoso quickly fulfills his potential. While keeping up his studies, Alexandre moves from television, to radio stations and concerts where his performances shine at various Festivals as Antibes- Juan-les-Pins, Marciac, Samois-sur-Seine, Liege, Liberchies, Gaûme, Maubeuge, the jazz marathon of Brussels, the Belgians Golden Django, French, and at the Eurojazz Awards... Moreover, he has won over his public with performances at the princess Grâce of Monaco theatre, at Michel Jonasz concert in Olympia, as guest of the National Orchestra at the "Great Place" in Brussels, the festival " Espoo Jazz " (Finland)… and finally, thanks to Dorado Schmitt, his performance of "première in New York, for the Django Reinhardt festival at BIRDLAND.

Alexandre has also met many musicians, such as Bireli Lagrene, Dominique Dipiazza, Stochelo Rosenberg, Michel Jonasz, Roby Lakatos, Toots Thielemans, Richard Galliano, Eddy Louis, Dennis Chambers, Richard Bona, Dorado Schmitt … and also Benoit Sourisse, André Charlier and Jean Wellers (musicians of Didier Lockwood) with whom he recorded his second album " NOMADES ", and in which he appears in a more modern context than usual, but always faithful to his natural swinging feel.

Other recent meetings and collaborations include his playing with the jazz teachers of the Brussels Conservatory, an appearance on one track of the latest Guy Cabay album and collaborations with Philip Catherine, fusion bands like Alka Celtes Air, Darwin Case and Musicazur, Fabrizio Cassol, Michel Herr and his tentet, etc....

Contact Alexandre through mail.

Admission Tests

To start your study at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel you will have to pass an artistic admission test. For information regarding the admission tests - like dates, the programme you need to prepare, the admission requirements and costs - click here.

Any question?

For more information on this programme you can contact the student administration via