Beasts in the Library | Heritage Day

Beesten in de bib | Erfgoeddag KCB 2023
Event in spotlight
Library KCB, Regentschapsstraat 30, 1000 Brussels
Free entrance
No reservation required


In 2023, Heritage Day turns the spotlight on our fellow animals. From the bat, workhorse and lapdog to the big bad wolf, the magpie on the gallows, the first swallow, the black widow or the ever-seeking woodworm: on Sunday the 23rd of April 2023, you are guaranteed to encounter the entire animal kingdom, in front of and behind the scenes.

There are references to animals in a lot of compositions. Just think of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake or Rossini's Cat Duet. But the animal kingdom has also inspired a lot of music print designers. Similarly, we have separate display cases - feel free to call them cages - for the mammals, birds and fish. Our oldest animals date from the 15th century and still look surprisingly lively. Our youngest is a singing pig from 2017. We have also noticed that not only do animals appear on the scores, but unfortunately sometimes in them. Those beasts themselves are gone - which is just as well - but their tracks are still visible.

Heritage Day

Heritage Day (Erfgoeddag) is held annually on the first Sunday after the Easter Holidays. Heritage Day is first of all a celebration. Its approach, public reach, innovative role, and – especially – the commitment of those involved, have made Heritage Day one of the most important heritage events in Flanders and Brussels. Heritage Day places cultural heritage in the spotlight for the sector itself, the public, the media, and policy makers in our country.

Erfgoeddag 2023 Beestig! KCB

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