Artistic research in the field of early wind instruments

Early Wind instruments
Research activities
KCB, Petit Sablon 5 (070)


Historical Informed Performers want to know how the music might have sounded during the composer’s lifetime or at any particular moment and place in history… The understanding of historical instruments, whichever their condition after centuries of aging is an essential part of this process, and the subject of this Symposium. 

Saturday 16/02

10h00     opening 
10h10     Welcome presentation by Jan De Winne (EHB/KCB): ‘how do we want it to sound’ vs ‘historical sound’: from Utopia to Knowledge…
10h30     Dr. Hannes Vereecke (Bundesfachschule für Musikinstrumentenbau, Ludwigsburg) : The "reading", or in-depth analysis of musical instruments
11h30 Andreas van Zoelen (KCB), Discovering Adolphe Sax’s parabolic cone.
12h00     Lambert Colson, the Kasseler Zinken
13h00     Lunch break 
14h00     Stefaan Verdegem: In Search of a Bach Oboe
14h40     Ricardo Simian 3D printing of wind instruments: New HIPP questions which arise from these new technologies and tools
15h30     Coffee Break
15h45     Discussion new technologies and tools – moderator Hannes Vereecke
17h00  Musical conclusion.





Sunday the 17th of February

10h00: welcome coffee
10h15: Jörg Fiedler: The Maze of the Comma
11h00: Jan De Winne: Hidden information in 2 recently discovered Palanca flutes.
11h30: Michael Lynn, the Buffet Coche flute.
12:00 : Dr. Simon Waters: Networks of connection and continuity in woodwind design and manufacture in London between 1760 and 1840
12h45: Lunch break
14h00: Peter Van Heyghen, Adrian Brown and Susanna Borsch: The recorders SAM 130, 140 and 148 in the Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
15h30: coffee break
16h00: concert by Peter Van Heyghen, Susanna Borsch, Adrian Brown, Kris Verhelst. Works by Picchi, Castello, Cesare, ….
We close off with a drink!

More info on the program

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