Publications of sheet music based on heritage documents from the library, a selection.


20 Free Organ Works of the North German School, composed by Mancinus, Äbel, Hasse & Andere, edited by Klaus Beckmann & Claudia Schumacher, (Masters of the North German Organ School, 29). Mainz, 2013. Mondern transcription partly based on B-Bc 6322.

Abel, Carl Friedrich, Sechs Cembalosonaten, op. 2, mit Begleitung einer Violine oder Flöte und eines Violoncellos, edited by G. and L. Zadow. 3 Vol. Heidelberg, 2020. Modern transcription based on the Bremner edition, B-Bc 24603.

Acht Fugen für Clavier um Johann Sebastian Bach, für Orgel manualiter, Cembalo, Clavichord, edited by Rüdiger Wilhelm. Beeskow, 2020. Modern transcription partly based on the manuscripts B-Bc 15142, 25448 and 25752.

Agrell, Johann, Sonata prima per il cembalo solo, op. 2 nr. 1. Veurne, 1987. Facsimile of B-Bc 14129.

Airs à deux chalumeaux, deux trompettes, deux hautbois, deux violons, deux flutes, deux clarinettes, ou cors de chasse, livre 1 et 2 (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 4). Peer, 1992. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 5606.

Anthologie van muziekfragmenten uit de Lage Landen, Middeleeuwen-Renaissance, polyfonie, monodie en leisteenfragmenten in facsimile, editor Eugeen Schreurs, Peer, 1995. Facsimile of the 14th century fragments I and II from the B-Bc.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 75 Cadenzas, H. 264, W. 120, for keyboard, Facsimile edition by E. Eugene Helm. Utrecht, 1997. Facsimile of manuscript B-Bc 5871.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Collected Works for Solo Keyboard, ed. by Darrell Berg. New York, 1985, 6 vol. Facsimile edition of different manuscripts from the B-Bc.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Complete sonatas for Flute and Basso continuo, 2 vol. ed. by Ulrich Leisinger. Monteux, 1995. Modern transcription based on manuscript B-Bc 5517.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Duett für 2 Klarinetten, Wq 142, Urtext, ed. Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2010. Modern transcription based on different manuscripts from the B-Bc.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Flute concerto in d minor, keyboard reduction, edited by András Adorján. München, 2015. Edition based on B-Bc 5887.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Gambensonaten, Wq. 88, 136 a 137, ed. by Wolfram Ensslin, Ernst-Günter Heinemann. München, 2011. Modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 5634.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Kleinere Werke für Orgel, Preludio, Fantasie, Fugen, Trio, Choralbearbeitungen, Flötenuhrstücke, edited by Jochen Reutter and Gerhard Weinberger, (Wien Urtext Edition, 149). Wien, 2012. Modern transcription based on different manuscripts from the B-Bc.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Locatelli Minuet with Variations, for keyboard, ed. by Fulvia Morabiot & Massimiliano Sala, (Pietro Antonio Locatelli, Works without Opus Number and Arrangements). Bologna, 2023. Edition partly based on music manuscript B-Bc 05899. 

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Sei Sonate per il cembalo obligato con accompagnamente un B Clarinett e un Fagott, Wq 142 [und] Duett für 2 Clarinetten, Wq 92. Köln, 2016. Edition based on B-Bc 5522.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Sonata for Flute Solo, in a minor, edited by Marion Beyer. München, 2013. Modern transcription of the manuscript B-Bc 5514.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Sonata for Flute Solo, Wq 132, edited by Jochen Reutter, (Wiener Urtext Edition, 284). Wien, 2013. Modern transcription of the manuscript B-Bc 5514.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Sonatas from Manuscript Sources, volume 1, edited by Wolgang Horn (Complete Works). Los Altos, 2019.

Bach Carl Philipp Emanuel, Sonatas with Varied Reprises, edited by Robert D. Levin (Complete Works). Los Altos, 2019.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Symphonies for Baron van Swieten, facsimile edition from the surviving autograph scores, (The Complete Works, 3. Orchestral Music, supplement). Los Altos, 2015. Edition with B-Bc 25900-25903.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Transcriptions by Litzau, Kühnau, Heckel, Körner, ed. by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2007. Modern transcription based on the manuscripts B-Bc 15899 en 11572.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Unknown Fuges, for organ, ed. by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2007. Modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 25577.

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Werke für Violine und Cembalo, Band I-II, edited by Jochen Reutter, (Wiener Urtext Edition, 288-289). Wien, 2014. Modern transcription based on different manuscripts from the B-Bc.

Bach, Johann Christian, Caratacco, opera seria, edited by Ernest Warburton, (Collected Works, 8). New York, 1986. Facsimile of the  autograph B-Bc 2039.

Barsanti, Francesco, Sonate a flauto o violin solo e con basso, per violone o cembalo, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 10). Peer, 1993. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 12116.

Bianchi, Francesco, La morte di Cesare, partitura dell’opera in facsimile. Milano, 1999. Facsimile of the unique copy of this opera B-Bc 2046.

Bingham, George, 40 airs anglois & une chaconne, à un dessus & une basse, quatre livres, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 8). Peer, 1997. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 5529.

Brehy, Petrus Hercules, Instrumental Works from the Library of the Royal Conservatories Brussels, ed. by Lewis R. Baratz, in Recent Researches of the Music of the Baroque Era, 215. Middleton, 2021. Modern transcription based on manuscript B-Bc 33741.

Brehy, Petrus Hercules, Motetten, ed. by Lewis R. Baratz. Leuven, 2002. Modern  transcription based on unique sets of parts from the B-Bc.

Bruhns, Nicolaus, Complete Organ Works, edited by Harald Vogel. Breitkopf Urtext. Wiesbaden, 2008. Contains a modern transcription of Praeludium in g, partly based on manuscript B-Bc 26659.

Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, general editors Johan Eeckeloo, Paul Raspé and Eugeen Schreurs. Peer, 1992-1997, 13 vol. Facsimile series of manuscripts and prints from the B-Bc.

Buxtehude, Dietrich, Complete Organ Works, 1, herausgegeben von Klaus Beckmann ( Mainz, 2012. Modern transcription of the manuscript score B-Bc 26659.

Chevreuille, Raymond, Trio pour flute, alto et contrebasse, op. 90. Spain, 2020.

Choralbearbeitungen des 18. Jahrhunderts [von] Richter, Marpurg, Albrechtsberger, Kirnberger, Kellner, ed. by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2007. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 12288 en 12289.

Collectio Operum Musicorum, celebrationibus festis vicesimi Diei Natalis DCS, bestehend aus Praeludia, Fugae, Allemanden, Courante, Saranbanden u. d. g. Galanterien als auch freyen Inventiones welche auf allerley clavirten Instrumenten vorzüglich jedoch auf dem Calvicordio können tractirt werden, herausgegeben von Sally Fortino und Paul Simmonds. Berlin, 2013. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 13528 and 6233.

Corelli, Arcangelo, Concertos 2, 8 & 10 adapted fort he organ, harpsichord or pianoforte by Thomas Billington, modern edition by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2009. Based on B-Bc 11672.

Cramer, Johann Baptist, Trois grandes sonates, op. 29, pour piano, Urtext ed. by Van Sambeek. Amsterdam, 2007. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 13876.

Czerny, Carl, Rondeau Passioné, Le golfe de Naples, Scherzi, Mélodie sentimentale et cadence agitée, Grande Polonaise, Moderato, edited by Bart van Sambeek. Amsterdam, 2010. Mondern transcription based on B-Bc 24981 and 25589.

De Cinque, Ermenegildo, 9 Sonaten für 2 Violoncelli, aus "50 sonate per due violoncelli, libro secondo", Erstausgabe, edited by Boris Atanasov, (Il violoncello solo). Mageburg, 2023. Modern transcription based on music manuscript B-Bc 43406.

De Croes, Henri-Jacques, Concerto primo a flauto traverse. Köln, 2015. Edition based on B-Bc 33759.

Demersseman, Jules, Deuxième solo pour saxophone, revised by José-Modesto Diago. Spain, 2017. Edition based on B-Bc P-2-00049-(043).

Dubois, Léon, 3 Oktette für 8 Hörner, (Music für Horn), Wernigerode, 2008. Edition based on B-Bc 6517.

Early Music from Low Countries Libraries, reeks VI-IX, Den Haag, 1996-1999. Publication of microfiches, partly from the collection B-Bc.

Fasch, Johann Friedrich, Canonische Sonate in F-Dur, für Blockflöte, Fagott & Basso continuo, herausgegeben von Wouter Verschuren, (Die Kunst des Fagott blasens, 3). Köln, 2012. Modern transcription partly based on B-Bc 14590.

Fesch, Willem de, Sonate G-Dur, for violin and basso continuo, edited by Manfred Harras, (Fontana di Musica, Musik Alter Meister, 85). Basel, 2012. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 26403.

Fétis, François-Joseph, Trois morceaux de concours pour ensemble de saxophones 1867-1871. Köln, 2014. Edition based on B-Bc ARC-M-99.

Fils, Anton, Sonata in do minore per oboe e basso continuo, edited by Vinciane Baudhuin. Köln, 2018. Edition based on B-Bc 24567.

Fils, Anton, Sonata in sol maggiore per flauto traverse e basso, edited by Vinciane Baudhuin. Köln, 2017. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 24567.

Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Beatus vir, motet, edited by Sabine Goethals, Antwerpen, 1999. Score in modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 33786.

Froberger, Johann Jacob, Sarabande in c, kommentiert und übertragen von Thomas Synofzik (Concerto) 1995-96. Facsimile and modern transcription of B-Bc 26374.

Ganassi, Silverstro, Opera intitulata Fontegara, edited by Ganguilhem & William Dongois. Genève, 2020.

Gerber, Ernst Ludwig, Choralvorspiele für Orgel, herausgegeben von Gerhard Weinberger. Beeskow, 2019. Mondern transcription partly based on the manuscript B-Bc 26565.

Gilson, Paul, Premier concerto pour saxophone et orchestra symphonique, edited by Luc Vertommen and Kurt Bertels. Zaventem, 2019.

Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Sinfonien / Einzelne Instrumentalstücke, ed. by Yuliya Shein (Sämtliche Werke, Abteilung V, Instrumentalmusik, 2). Kassel, 2018. With facsimile reproductions from B-Bc 7348, 8034, 8035 & 8036.

Goeyens, Fernand, Berceuse mélancolique [et] Sérénade. Mainz, 2012. Reprint of B-Bc 35102.

Gossec, François-Joseph, Grande messe des morts. Wien, 1999. Mondern transcription partly based on the autograph B-Bc 4984.

Hartknoch, Carl Eduard, Sonates pour piano, Urtext edition by Bart Van Sambeek. Amsterdam, 2011. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 14179.

Hässler, Johann Wilhelm (1747-1822), Sonaten für Violine oder Flöte und Pianoforte, Heft I-II, (Maders Kleine Musikbibliothek). Sankt Augustin, 2018. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 6045 & 6046.

Heckl, Peter, W. A. Mozarts Instrumentalkompositionen in Bearbeitung für Harmoniemusik vor 1840. Hildesheim, 2014. Treating B-Bc 11864.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Konzert für Cembalo und Streicher, c-moll, herausgegeben von Karl Heller (Musik am Ludwigsluster Hof, 7). Beeskow, 2014. Modern transcription of the manuscript B-Bc 6073.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Konzert für Violoncello solo, 2 Violinen, Viola & Basson continuo, herausgegeben von Markus Möllenbeck, (Cello Konzerte des 18. Jahrhunderts). Magdeburg, 2011.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Konzert in D-Dur für Harfe, Hörner, Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. Magdeburg, 2011. First edition of the score in modern transcription of B-Bc 6074.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Konzert in G-Dur für Flöte, Violinen, Violetta und Basso, edited by Simon Rettelbach, (Kölner Reihe Alter Musik). Magdeburg, 2010. First edition of the score in modern transcription of B-Bc 5560.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Missa alla papale & Motetten für Chor a capella SATB, Streicher und Basso Continuo ad libitum, herausgegeben von Franziska Seils. Beeskow, 2009. Partly based on B-Bc 17, 156 and 13320.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Orgelkonzert G-Dur, Partitur (Musik am Ludwigsluster Hof, 2). Beeskow, 2009. ISMN M-700296-24-7. Mondern transcription, partially based on B-Bc 6081.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Sonatas, per violino e basso continuo, nr. 1, 3 and 17, edited by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2010. Modern transcription of the manuscript B-Bc 5709.

Hertel, Johann Wilhelm, Tre trii, per oboe, organo o flauto e cembalo, edited by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2010. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 6691.

Homilius, Gottfried August, Motetten für gemischten Chor a capella, Gesamtausgabe vorgelegt von Uwe Wolf. Stuttgart, 2000. Modern edition based on B-Bc 25854 and 27219.

Hortus musarum, uitg. door Petrus Phalesius, Leuven, 1552-1553, facsimile door A. Vander Linden, Brussels, 1974. Reproduction of the unique print in B-Bc.

John Blow's Anthology, [wiht music by] Froberger, Strungk, Fischer, Blow, transcribed and edited by Thurston Dart, revised by Davitt Moroney (Early Keyboard Music, 37). London, 1978. Modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 15418.

Johnson, Calvert, Historical Organ Techniques and Repertoire. The Netherlands 1575-1700. Colfax, 2012. Contains material from B-Bc 9940.

Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm Michael, 4 Préludes pour piano, op. 80, edited by Bart van Sambeek. Amsterdam, 2008. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 25024.

Kirnberger, Johann Philipp, Erbarm dich unser Gott, Motet edited by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2010. Modern transcription based on the manuscript of B-Bc.

Krebs, Johannes Ludwig, Freie Orgelwerke, herausgegeben von Felix Friedrich, (Ausgewählte Orgelwerke, 1). Mainz, 2012. Modern transcription of B-Bc 25752 and 14273.

Krebs, Johannes Ludwig, Choralbearbeitungen, herausgegeben von Felix Friedrich, (Ausgewählte Orgelwerke, 3). Mainz, 2012. Modern transcription of B-Bc 25752 and 11302.

Lausch, Johann Christoph, Ach, wie lange, Lass mich deine Hülfe spüren, aria from the cantata Meine Augen sehnen sich, herausgegeben von Klaus Hofmann und Peter Thalheimer (Flauto e voce, 15). Magdeburg, 2019.

Legley, Vic, La cathédrale d’acier, esquisse symphonique d’après un tableau de Fernand Steven, edited by Koenraad Sterckx, (Repertoire Explorer, 2564). München, 2018. Modern transcription based on source material conserved at B-Bc.

Legley, Vic, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, nr. 2, op. 67, edited by Koenraad Sterckx, (Repertoire Explorer, 2547). München, 2017. Modern transcription based on the autographs conservered at B-Bc.

Lotti, Antonio, Sonata a flauto traversier, viola da gamba e cembalo, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 11). Peer, 1994. Facsimile edition based on B-Bc 6829.

Lotti, Antonio, Tre intermediie: 1. Grilletta e Serpillo. 2. Serpilla, Grilletta e poi Melissa. 3. Serpillo e Melissa, edited by Francesca Menchelli-Buttini (Drammaturgia musicale veneta, 10). Milano, 2008. Facsimile of the manuscript B-Bc 15192.

Mandora, recueil de pieces pour la mandore en tablature française, XVIIIe siècle, (Thesaurus musicus, A, 2). Brussels, 1970. Facsimile edition of the manuscript B-Bc 5619.

Le Manuscrit musical M 222 C 22 de la Bibliothèque de Strasbourg, XVe siècle, copie par E. de Coussemaker, Brussels, 1977. Facsimile of Coussemaker’s copy conserved in B-Bc.

Marcello, Benedetto, Sonata D-Dur für Kontrabass und Klavier, nach der Sonate F-Dur für Violoncello und Klavier, bearbeitet von Grete Zahn. Hofheim am Taunus, 1988. Based on the historical music editions B-Bc 5759 and 26435.

Marcello, Benedetto, Sonata no. 1 in F major for violoncello and basso continuo, ed. by Annette Oppermann, Wolfgang Kostujak & Thomas Klein. München, 2021. Partly based on B-Bc 5759.

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 64, e minor, score, ed. by Clive Brown & Ralph Larry Todd. Kassel, 2018. Partly based on B-Bc FC-09-AR-1126.

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 64, e minor, keyboard reduction, ed. by Clive Brown & Ralph Larry Todd. Kassel, 2018. Partly based on B-Bc FC-09-AR-1126.

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix, Concerto in E minor for Violin and Orchestra, edited by Birgit Müller, (Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, II, Konzerte und Konzertstücke, 7). Weisbaden, 2018. Partly based on B-Bc FC-09-AR-1126.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, Weitere geistliche Werke für Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester, bzw. Für Solostimmen und Orchester, herausgegeben von Clemens Harasim, (Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, VI, 6). Wiesbaden, 2014. Edition partly based on B-Bc 26238.

Musiche di vari autori del XVII secolo, Jacopo Peri, Alessandro Striggio, Jacopo Corsi, Caccini (Thesaurus Musicus, A 3). Brussels, 1979. Facsimile edition of the manuscript B-Bc 704.

Musikalisches Allerley, von verschiedenen Tonkunstlern (Brussels Royal Conservatories of Music Series, 2). Peer, 1992. Based on the edition B-Bc 6313.

Musikalisches Vielerley, herausgegeben von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, facsimile edition [at the occasion of] 25 jaar Koninklijk Conservatorium. Brussels, 1993. Also edited in the Brussels Royal Conservatories of Music Series, 9. Peer, 1993. Based on the edition B-Bc 6314.

Nicolai, Johann Georg, Choralvorspiele für Orgel, 1783, edited by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2009. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 27758.

Padovano, Annibale, Libro primo di ricercare a 4 voci, 1556, (Thesaurus musicus, A, 5). Brussels, 1979. Facsimile edition of the manuscript B-Bc 26661.

Pièces de clavecin, ca. 1670-1685, fac-similé du manuscrit, introduction par David Fuller. Genève, 2003. Facsimile of the manuscript B-Bc 27220.

Porsile, Giuseppe, E già tre volte, Kantate für Sopran, Altblockflöte und B.c. Freiburg, 2001. Modern transcription of B-Bc 15155.

Quantz, Johann Joachim, Four Flute Sonatas, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 13). Peer, 1996. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 5584.

Recueil de pieces pour la luth en tablature française, XVIIe siècle, (Thesaurus musicus, A,8). Brussels, 1980. Facsimile edition of the manuscript B-Bc FA-IV-010.

Reichardt, Juliane Benda, Two Piano Sonatas, edited by Barbara Garvey Jackson. Fayetteville, 2015. Edition based on B-Bc 14508.

Riepel, Joseph, Violin Concertos, edited by Stefan Eckert (Recent Researches in the Music of the Classical Era, 90). Middleton, 2013. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 5790.

Rossini, Gioachino, Petite messe solennelle, edited by Patricia Brauner and Philip Gossett, (Works of Giaochino Rossini, 3). Kassel, 2009. Critical edition with reference of B-Bc FEM-058.

Rossini, Gioachino, Le comte Ory, opera en deux actes, edited by Damien Colas, (Works by Gioachino Rossini, 5). Kassel, 2014. Edition partly based on B-Bc FEM-052.

Rust, Friedrich Wilhelm, Due sonate a violin solo senza basso, Neuedition und Faksimile herausgegeben von Reinhard Goebel. Offenburg, 2016. Edition based on B-Bc 27162 and 27163.

Sammlung von Orgel- und Clavier-Fugen, von verschiedene Componisten, ed. by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2010. Modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 6322.

Sarti, Giuseppe, Sonata in sol maggiore per clavicembalo, Urtext and facsimile edited by Roberto Satta. Bolzano, 2008. Edition based on B-Bc 6190.

Schmügel, Johann Christoph, Sonata für drei Querflöten, herausgegeben von Peter Thalheimer. Islhofen, 2013. Edition based on B-Bc 5592.

Schubert, Franz, 6 Polonaisen für das Pianoforte zu 4 Händen, D 824. Brussel, 1997. Facsimile edition of the autograph from the collection Michotte, B-Bc FEM-043.

Sonaten für Melodieinstrument und Basso continuo, aus der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, von verschiedenen Komponisten. Brussels, ca. 1975]. Facsimile edition with corrections, based on the manuscript B-Bc 15115.

Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, Sonata a 4, für Oboe, Violino, Cornu da caccia & Basso, edited by Stefaan Verdegem. Koblenz, [ca. 2018]. Modern transcription based on the manuscript B-Bc 7108.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Cantaten, die Sicilianischer Jahrgang: 12 Kirchenmusiken, ed. by Johann Friedrich Helbig & Brit Reipsch, Kassel, 2018.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Essercizii musici, diversi stromenti, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 12). Peer, 1996. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 7115.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Festmusiken für Altona, herausgegeben von Jürgen Neubacher (Musikalische Werke, 66). Kassel, 2019. Modern transcription partly based on B-Bc 950 and 951.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Harmonisches Lob Gottes, zwölf Kirchenmusiken von Himmelfahrt bis zum 7. Sonntag nach Trinitas, herausgegeben von Jana Kühnrich, (Musikalische Werke, 56). Kassel, 2017. Partly based on B-Bc 941-(118).

Telemann, Georg Philip, Holder Friede, Heiliger Glaube, oratorium. Stuttgart, 2014. Modern transcription based on the autograph score B-Bc 1111.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Kirchenmusiken von Oculi bi Cantate und Mariae Verkündigung, Jahrgang ohne Recitativ, herausgegeben von Ralph-Jürgen Reipsch, (Musikalische Werke, 55). Kassel, 2015. Modern transcription partly based on B-Bc 941-(2).

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Liebe, was ist schöner als die Liebe, Hochzeits-Serenata für Sopran- und Tenor-Solo, Oboe, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 11:26, hrsg. Von Eric F. Fiedler, in Frankfurter Telemann-Ausgaben, 108. Frankfurt am Main, 2019. Modern transcription of B-Bc 954.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Kammerkantaten, herausgegeben von Steven Zohn (Musikalische Werke, 44). Kassel, 2011. Edition partly based on B-Bc P-4-00002.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, [4] Missa brevis, edited by Klaus Hofmann. Stuttgart, 2012. First edition based on B-Bc 42.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Missa sopra Christ lag in Todesbanden, TWV 9:3, edited by Monte Alan Garrett. Austin (Texas), 2010. Modern transcription of the manuscript from the B-Bc.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, So ist das Sterben [und] Der Engel des Herrn. Williamsburg (US), 2008. Modern transcription of the manuscript B-Bc 961-1-28 and B-Bc 949.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Sonata a tre, für Altblockflöte, Violine und Basso continuo, herausgegeben von Ilse Hechler. Celle, 1960. Modern transcription partly based on B-Bc 7117.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Sonate metodiche à violino solo ò flauto traverse, op. 13, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 1). Peer, 1992. Facsimile van B-Bc 5824.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Twelve Fantasias for Alto Recorder Without Bass, edited by Motomura Mutsuyuki. Tokyo, 2015. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 5823.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Twelve Fantasias for Flute, edited by Barthold Kuijken. Wiesbaden, 1987. Facsimile and modern transcription of the unique edition B-Bc 5832.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Twelve Fantasias for Flute Solo, edited by Marion Beyer. München, 2014. Facsimile and modern transcription of the unique edition B-Bc 5832.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Twelve Fantasias for Flute, edited by Barthold Kuijken. Wiesbaden, 2020, revised edition of 1987. Facsimile and modern transcription of the unique edition B-Bc 5832.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Twelve Fantasias for Flute, edited by Wim Brabants. Belgium, 2020, Facsimile and modern transcription of the unique edition B-Bc 5832.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, Zwölf Fantasien für Viola da Gamba solo, hearusgegeben von Thomas Fritzsch und Günter von Zadow. Heidelberg, 2016. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 5823.

Trois sonates pour le clavecin ou piano-forte, par mademoiselle Edelman, monsieur Darondeau et monsieur Pin, (Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music Series, 3). Peer, 1992. Facsimile edition of B-Bc 6324.

Vander Bist, Martin, Traité de musique, 1622, edited by Calvert Johnson and Wayne Leupold (Historical Organ Techniques and Repertoire, 11: The Netherlands). Cazenovia, 2012. Mondern transcription of a compostion from B-Bc 9940.

Van Helmont, Charles Joseph, Cantate Domino canticum novum quia mirabilia fecit, motteto a basso solo con 3 stromenti obligati. Köln, 2016. Edition based on B-Bc 33937.

Vitzthumb, Ignace, Recueils d’arriettes, 1775-1777. Brussels, 2011. Facsimile of an 18th century edition, B-Bc 8300.

Walter, Johann Jakob, Sonata für Traversflöte und Basso continuo, herausgegeben von Wolfgang Mader (Maders Kleine Musikbibliothek). Sankt-Augustin, 2018. Edition based on B-Bc 15115.

Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, 9 Choralvorpsiele by C. P. E. Bach, J. P. Kirnberger, J. C. Kühnau, C. G. Tag, F. W. Marpurg, J. L. Krebs, C. Rundnagel, J. C. Kellner, edited by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2006. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 16083, 11572, 14546, 13743 and 12288.

Westenholz, Eleonore Maria Sophia, Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier, Band I, herausgegeben von Reinhard Wulfhorst. Schwerin, 2021. Modern transcription party based on the manuscript B-Bc 413.

Westenholz, Eleonore Maria Sophia, Werke für Klavier Solo, Band I-II, herausgegeben von Reinhard Wulfhorst. Schwerin, 2019. Modern transcription partly based on the manuscripts B-Bc 6278 and 6279.

Wieck, Friedrich, Clavier und Gesang, Didaktisches und Polemisches. Peer, 1995. Facsimile of the edition, Leipzig 1853, of the Brussels copy B-Bc 29716.

Wolff, Christian Michael, Sonata in C major for obbligato harpsichord or harp and violetta or viola da gamba, 1777, edited by Günter and Leonore von Zadow. Heidelberg, 2012. Modern transcription based on the 1776 edition, B-Bc 7191.

Eugène Ysaÿe, A musical notebook with drafts of different compositions, knows as the Lavergne manuscript. Facsimile edition and modern transcription of B-Bc BV-07-4000. Online publication on

Ysaÿe, Eugène, Posthumous Sonata for Violin Solo, completed by Bram Van Camp, edited by Koenraad Sterckx, Amsterdam, 2020.

Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio, Music for Guitar and Piano, edited by Rober Coldwell. Digital Guitar Archive Editions, 2023. Modern transcription of a manuscript and print from the B-Bc collection.

Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio, God Save the King, fataisie variée pour guitare avec accompagnement de deux violons, viole, violoncelle et basse, edited by Rober Coldwell. Digital Guitar Archive Editions, 2023. Modern edition with reference to the manuscript from the B-Bc collection.

Zarth, Georg, Solo a flauto traverse con cembalo, herausgegeben von Vinciane Baudhuin. Köln, 2019.

Zwischen Barock und Klassik, [Orgelmusik von] Krebs, Kittel, Schale, Kellner, ed. by Willem Poot. Maarssen, 2007. Modern transcription based on B-Bc 11572 and 12288.


Latest update: 25 May 2024.

Compiled by Johan Eeckeloo