Contemporary Music Practices: Research Projects

Michiels Jan. A Proustian Camera Obscura.


With his doctoral project Teatro dell’Ascolto as a starting point, Jan Michiels continues to build on the exploration of his pianistic repertoire with the ears of Luigi Nono’s Prometeo: “Listen! Do you call truth that narrow opening that for a single moment lets the light through?”. A new perspective in his quest is the experience of time and memory in a musician's brain, seen and heard through the lenses of Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu. He is currently working on a Proustian Camera Obscura for music —a metaphorical tool for people listening and performing— with repertoire from J.S. Bach to the present day.



Contemporary Music Practices


The research group Contemporary music practices welcomes highly qualified performers to transcend their individual artistic practice by questioning the position of their work in our contemporary context.

The main research domain consists of the canonical musical repertoire from Beethoven untill today. Artistic performance qualities of an exceptional level guarantee thorough research from within the unique musical experience itself.

All members of this research group —each of them specialising in a well-defined topic— play polyphonic arpeggios on the keyboard of Western music history. They are all involved in a continuous dialogue with their colleagues, enjoying the game of resolved and unresolved dissonances ending up in a harmony you never heard before.