Elektrische Gitaar
bachelor of master in de Kunsten

Electric Guitar

Welcome to the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel!

With a Bachelor and Master of the Brussels Conservatoire you are set for an inspiring professional career! If you want to join an international orchestra or end up doing something entirely different with your degree, our programmes are the ideal preparation for a bright future. 

The KCB focusses on the broad artistic formation of each individual. The lessons are based on direct interaction between teacher and student due to the small amount of students in each class. The great number of orchestral productions each year allows us to gain experience on the stage and learn the ins and outs of the greatest pieces is in music history. 
Joachim Jamaer
Student Music

Foto van Joachim

Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs

Erasmushogeschool Brussel streeft kwaliteitsvol onderwijs na en ontwikkelt haar opleidingen voortdurend om te voldoen aan (inter-)nationale kwaliteitskenmerken. EhB zet maximaal in op het ontwikkelen van een kwaliteitscultuur en hanteert haar eigen kwaliteitsregie als fundament voor kwaliteitsvol onderwijs.

Verschillende instrumenten garanderen het versterken en borgen van de onderwijskwaliteit van deze opleiding:

De website opleiding in cijfers van de Vlaamse overheid geeft informatie over het profiel van deze opleiding zoals wie deze opleiding volgt, hoelang studenten erover doen om hun diploma te behalen, etc.

Lees meer over de kwaliteitsborging binnen EhB.

Your subjects


Required subjects Ba1 (CR) BA2 (CR) BA3 (CR)
Main instrument I, II, III 21 21 21
Ensemble 1, 2, 3 3 3 9
Ear training 1, 2, 3 6 6 3
Reading training 1, 2 6 6  
Jazz harmonie and analysis 1, 2, 3 9 9 12
Arranging 1, 2   3 6
Jazz rhythm 1, 2 3 3  
History of music (classical) 6    
History of jazz 1, 2   3 3
Piano (pianotechnique for pianists) 1, 2, 3 3 3 3
History of culture 3    
Jazz encyclopedia and research   3  
Optional subjects     3
Total  60 60 60
Required subjects Ma1 (CR) Ma2 (CR)
Main instrument IV, V (master exam) 27 30
Ensemble 4, 5 12 15
Jazz analysis 6  
Free improvisation   6
Concert playing Jazz 1, 2 3 3
Introduction to philosophy 3  
Artistic Research Practices 3  
Optional subjects 6 6
Total  60 60

Teaching Staff

In order to develop your talents to the fullest you need a teacher that is capable to help and motivate you in the right way. Our teaching staff is world renowned and have years and years of experience both as performers but also as pedagogues. 
Do you have any specific questions before you register for the admission tests? Would you like to meet your teacher before you take the big step? Below is a list of all teachers with contact information.

Fabien Degryse

Fabien Degryse

Professor Jazz Guitar

Born in 1960 in Brussels, Fabien Degryse studied jazz guitar in the famous Berklee College of Music, in Boston, USA. Back  in Belgium, he played with almost everybody, including Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine, Steve Houben and many more.

He initiated a tribute to René Thomas, with a guitar big band, in the nineties.

He recorded eight CD’s under his name, the two last were recorded alone, with his acoustic guitar, in a repertoire of jazz standards. A challenge for a guitarist.

He gave more than 800 concerts with the trio l’Ame des Poètes (with Jean Louis Rassinfosse and Pierre Vaiana) and recorded with them six CD’s.

He played  in many countries, from Canada to Vietnam, from Denmark to Madagascar and Chile.

He wrote a method for the improvisation on the guitar, and gave masterclasses in Taiwan and in many african countries. He teaches now in both the flemish and the french-speaking conservatories of Brussels.

Contact Fabien:


Peter Hertmans

Peter Hertmans

Lecturer Jazz Guitar & Specific Vocational Training Instrument Jazz & Vocational Training Group Music | Educational Master Music and Performing Arts

Peter Hertmans obtained a Regency of Dutch English Pedagogy in 1981 at the Normal School in Ghent. He also took lessons in classical piano, but in the end it was the guitar that prevailed. Peter is self-taught as a jazz guitarist. He has played on some 50 CDs at home and abroad and has been awarded several prizes as a jazz composer. He is also very interested in jazz education. Peter Hertmans has been a jazz teacher at the conservatory since the mid-1990s. He gives masterclasses all over Europe on jazz guitar and composition. Peter Hertmans also teaches at the Luca School of Arts in Leuven. He has led the jazz department there as coordinator for 21 years.

Contact Peter:


Admission Tests

To start your study at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel you will have to pass an artistic admission test. For information regarding the admission tests - like dates, the programme you need to prepare, the admission requirements and costs - you can click on the picture below.

Any question?

For more information on this programme you can contact the student administration via secretariaat.kcb@ehb.be.