Online catalogue
The online library catalogue provides access to more than 70.000 records. This is only a part of the entire collection, but constantly new records are added.
Access for students and staff
Students and staff of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and the Erasmus University College can, through password identification, access EhBib Search. This tool allows you to simultaneously search EhB e-resources.
For an overview of the ca. 190 available electronic journals, click here.
Overview of all available databases
To consult a music database:
- Index to Printed Music
- JSTOR Music Collection
- Oxford Music Online
- Performance Research : A Journal of the Performing Arts
- RILM - International Repertory of Music Literature
- RIPM - International Repertory of Music Periodicals
- RIPM Jazz - temporarily not available
- RISM - International Repertory of Music Sources
To access online scores:
Online streaming audio or video:
To access multidisciplinary databases containing music information:
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- Oxford Reference Online Premium
- Pro Quest
- Sage Journals
- ScienceDirect
- Taylor & Francis
- Wiley Online Library
Pedagogical databases:
Catalogus Wotquenne:
Dictionnaries & translations:
Other online resources:
- Petrucci Library
Historical collection
Interested in the historical collection? The international bibliographic database of RISM, Répertoire international des sources musicales gives access to more than 1 million records.
This database contains more than 21,000 records of works from the Conservatory library:
- approximately 16,300 music manuscripts till ca. 1850
- 5,000 printed editions till ca. 1800.